星期三, 1月 24, 2007

炎舞。雙人探戈-Joy Huang個人作品簡述

作品意念映照出她對吹製玻璃的熱愛,並與Joy執著的信念一般清澈、堅定,Hope希望-讓Glass Studio的模式在臺灣立基,Dream夢想-連結國內玻璃資源網絡,讓新一代的玻璃創作者能有場域給他們發光,Expect期待-玻璃工匠傳統與現代的承先啟後。

1996~2006年,Joy Huang為追求玻璃精緻剔透之美,以居遊的方式於歐洲各國進行吹製玻璃學習之旅。學習、創作、工作、體驗生活,曾因昂貴的學費馬不停蹄地於課餘時間兼了多份差,假日還得不斷創作,拿到市集上賣。水滴造型的吹製玻璃作品,就如心中回憶的眼淚,她說:「每個地方,都會碰到一些可愛的人,也遇過快樂、悲傷的事情,但它使我的生命更加豐富,也就值得了。」

Fire Dancing, Tango for couple - Joint exhibition of stationed artists of Tittot Glass Art Museum

“Burning Weave” by the stationed artist ~ Ms. Joy Huang
“Flaming dance like falling yolk” by the stationed artist ~ Mr. Frank Tsai

Sponsored by Glass Art Association of Taiwan & Tittot Glass Art Museum

Prospectus of this exhibition
 Since it was established in 1999, Tittot Glass Art Museum have already invited several international famous glass art masters to come to exhibit their articles in Taiwan. We hope more people here can experience the new world of glass. It was 7 years past. Some people say “seven-year itch” and it is time to come back and dazzle the growing fruits of our own people. Now, we are inviting two artists who have very close connections with tittot to dance with us.
 Frank and Joy were the earlier working fellows of tittot. They all hope to become a glass artist. Via traveling or tuition, they keep on going this way by their own methods. After years past by, they all return their home ~ tittot, and present the experiences and growing of these years via their own glass articles. They let the glass culture of Taiwan keep on running and running.
 Frank is good at glass blowing and casting. In this exhibition, he took the inspiration when he painted the nude sketch in the studio. He applied the techniques of blowing and casting to the most original shapes of life ~ EGG SHAPE, and combined with the most beautiful lines of human body to reach a dialogue fulfilled with living power. The round body with deep colors made his articles with his own humor and steady. Simple but varied curves made the bodies just like landscape of mountains and water that fulfilled tolerated spaces and thinking.
 Joy is good at glass blowing and fusing. Though she was living abroad for many years, her artworks are still going back to the most beautiful character in Taiwan ~the aborigine culture. She combined the western style of many years living abroad with primitive attitude of living and interior belief came from aborigine. Then, she combined the knitting of aborigine with very close connections of human emotions. It presented the stable passion of fire and shadow.

Brief introduction of artists
Joy Huang
Born in 1965, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 10-year glass working experience in foreign countries made Joy have excellent glass blowing techniques. She was influenced by the artworks of international glass artist ~ Chihuly, and quitted her personal pottery studio, then went to U.K. to learn glass art teaching. She got the best technique award ~ Colin Gill Memorial Award. She had been to different glass studios in Norway, U.K., H.K., Japan, Thailand, Germany, New Zealand, and also tittot in Taiwan. In these countries, she kept on creating and teaching. Multi-cultures and different arts had brought different impacts. And these kept on stimulating Joy to find out which culture can become the representative of Taiwan. Then, she studied the aborigine culture and challenged the Taiwanese style glass artworks. She had integrated the honor and pride of the aborigine into the Taiwanese style glass artworks. Her articles had been presented and collected by museums of Europe for several times.